[UT bug – solution] MH-Dust2: deadly jump

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[UT bug – solution] MH-Dust2: deadly jump

Post by Man_With_No_Body »

= deadly jump =
build: 4163 and 4339
date: June 2022 and 09.10.2022
map: MH-Dust2.unr
bug/glitch relevance (low/middle/ high): middle (game could be played/finished either)
description: Start room, player killed if jump up from a chest. “Player left crater”. Jump marked with a red arrow.
MH-Dust2-DeadlyChest_09_10_2022_s.jpg (59.25 KiB) Viewed 5009 times
Man_With_No_Body wrote: Tue Aug 16, 2022 5:13 pm Topic already discuses on UT99.org - High z-velocity by jumping on a decoration
Barbie wrote: Wed Sep 07, 2022 7:13 pm Looks like a bug in UT, see also bug report on github
[469b] Actor with bMovable = False and Phys_None on shoot goes to endless Phys_Falling with some Velocity #925 .

Barbie wrote: The chests can be destroyed now.
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