Guidelines for Moderation

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Guidelines for Moderation

Post by Barbie »

The following should be understood as a how-to-guide for moderators but not as strong and fixed rules. A moderator should decide depending on actual situation.
  1. If you yourself got into trouble with a player, don't take moderation actions. Ask another moderator to solve this.
  2. Don't use your privileges to gain personal advantage.
  3. Use actions in increasing seriousness: start with warnings in normal chat, then use windowed PM, kick for this match, for multiple matches, some days. A permanent ban should be the last option.
  4. In case of a player's SHOUTING, chat spamming, using really dirty or unlawful speech: first ask him to not spam the chat/keep writing in small letters (UPPER CASE is felt like shouting). If he continues, send him a windowed PM. If he continues, mute him.
  5. Concerning bad team behaviour (intentional team shooting, putting foreign xlocs into harmful environments (lava), running in front of weapons, taking ALL goodies, rushing, …): warn a player to team play or he may be banned otherwise.
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