Brooze misbehaving on the server

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Brooze misbehaving on the server

Post by mousythemouse »

Hi I'm just making a post on behalf of Crow. he would rather not engage in the forum or in any discord so he asked me to make the post and I have his permission to.
Well it is not the first time that brooze is acting in a strange way. Attached are screenshots of him threating to ban a player called Insidious over 'killing cows'.

Me and crow were playing a particular map MH-proxymoon and soon after I joined, all of this happened. Crow was muted so I'm adding a screenshot showing that he got muted. He later joined as Playa as brooze had muted him. Crow is not currently muted right now but I feel the whole server mute (inc PM) mute at the time was excessive.

The attached screenshots have been edited to condense them into one file, so I'm not adding too many multiple attachments. I have not edited anything that was said though, feel free to check the logs. This happened on 16th Dec.

Another screenshot added where brooze admits that he 'doesn't know' what chemtrails are.
1broozemuted.jpg (179.29 KiB) Viewed 9066 times
1brooze5.jpg (5.55 KiB) Viewed 9066 times
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1brooze.png (715.61 KiB) Viewed 9066 times
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Re: Brooze misbehaving on the server

Post by mousythemouse »

More screenshots
photo_2021-12-18_18-35-38.jpg (93.85 KiB) Viewed 9065 times
photo_2021-12-18_18-35-33.jpg (90.21 KiB) Viewed 9065 times
photo_2021-12-18_18-35-11.jpg (79 KiB) Viewed 9065 times
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Re: Brooze misbehaving on the server

Post by Barbie »

Thanks for reporting. I have suspended his admin rights until I have spoken to him.
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Re: Brooze misbehaving on the server

Post by HeadShotUT »

I don't see br00ze on server last days, I hope everything is fine with him.
Due to most pandemic lockdowns, he was very active in server - same as me.

He was excellent as an administrator, but looks like he doesn't have that role anymore.
He talks much... but it was nice we had some interesting conversations.
br00ze never abuse anyone, but few players were angry for his long lectures, and try to insult him for that reason. That was really sad, but usually they find it funny to offense br00ze about that, especially Crow.

He's look like to have administrator role nowadays.
He picks up this role from br00ze? It's possible to fight for administrator role? :D

We all know about that it was even worse situation about Crow abusing, and the target was Mousy few months ago, but nowadays Mousy in magical way forgive Crow everything, maybe br00ze will too.
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Re: Brooze misbehaving on the server

Post by Gonzo »

I totally agree with HeadShot, Brooze never ever abused his admin power like Crow does, I played with Brooze and he is friendly to me and all players., Crow seems to however get special treatment, he insults players and provokes them to fight back, but he hides the parts where he started the insults and all the trases, I see every player agreeing crow is an abusive admin, but Brooze was a great admin, no one complained about him but Crow.
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Re: Brooze misbehaving on the server

Post by Crøw »

Well Headshot, do tell me what do you exactly know about my relationship with Mousy? Or did you hear stuff through gossip from second/third/fourth sources?
What do you know about any exact abuse? Do tell us, please.

Now, regarding the situation with brooze, again, how long do you know him, or my interaction with him?
I might be a fairly new player on this server, but I go back many years with some players here, brooze was traditionally my friend, until recently we had a personal fight and he chose to abuse his admin rights to silence me for "everyone", which is why I've asked mousy to write this post here as up until now I was not a member of the forum, couldn't really bother with that, but she helped me here.
This is what's called abuse, yes. I was not harassing anyone else but was arguing with him yet he chose to retaliate by disallowing me to talk with anyone by applying a total mute, and as most of you know I come to the server to socialize so talking to people is essential.
If someone doesn't like something I say, they are more then welcome to message me and I may honor or reject their request.
Me, currently having the admin role that I in fact haven't even asked for (making your argument about fighting for this right here pointless), I do not ever mute people because I *personally* don't like or disagree with them, the way I moderate is for the benefit of the whole server.

You like to generalize much?
"We all know about that it was even worse situation about Crow abusing"
Who is exactly "we all", please tell us so we know.

Now that I am here, I can voice my opinion and say that brooze was not a great administrator, and the example? arguing and talking about a player with mental issues (jinx) all the time instead of ignoring and banning as that player has abused the entire community, and as mousy noted above, threatening to ban players for killing cows because *he* didn't like that? Such a great admin.
Admins must have discretion and act with authority where it is needed, and not let personal agendas get in the way.

Re forgiveness of mousy? well again I will say that none of you here or on datsi's privileged discord channel have a bit of an idea about what is going on between the two of us, we have been through a whole lot together, lived together and etc', so don't bother making assumptions.
As for brooze, I in fact miss him a bit and if he will be reasonable it'd be nice to talk to him again, even though I may disagree with various ideas of his.
I am not stopping him from coming back to play on the server, lol.

As for gonzo here, I am not going to even respond to this pedophile pervert harasser, if you want to see what his nature is, just look at my other post here and at what mousy has posted earlier, I am not going to even argue or defend myself against any claims by such an individual.
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Re: Brooze misbehaving on the server

Post by HeadShotUT »

It looks like I became a self-proclaimed attorney in this situation.
You have very impressive writing skills in English Crow. I hope I will not be too far from you. :)

I don't want to rely on gossip or other people's opinions about you.
Whoever wants to, will speak on this topic by his own.

I will focus on it what I saw and what I heard directly from Mousy.
Mousy started play on the server some time ago. After that, You start to play on Barbie server recently as well and fined it's funny to start stalking Mousy and make her leave when You show up. We saw a lot of server dramas in main chat as well because of this situation. It was happened by few month's day by day.
I have evidence and everything is stored and secured on Datsi Discord server.
Everything is available for Barbie. Reports from other players who are our friends on Discord about You as well, with exact date and hour.
To prove that was a serious problem beside typical trolls stuff.

I see Mousy forgive You now and start to defend You as well, but we will remember what's happen before.
The saddest thing for me is that she cooperate with You now.

Sadly, your behavior expanded to Gonzo and br00ze, and I don't like it.
Br00ze lose his rights because of Your actions, and Gonzo is publically name by You a "pedophile pervert harasser".
As for gonzo here, I am not going to even respond to this "pedophile pervert harasser" if you want to see what his nature is, just look at my other post here and at what mousy has posted earlier, I am not going to even argue or defend myself against any claims by such an individual.
Did You know it's a crime in most countries just to name someone like that?

Crøw wrote: Wed Feb 02, 2022 10:45 am As for gonzo here, I am not going to even respond to this pedophile pervert harasser, if you want to see what his nature is, just look at my other post here and at what mousy has posted earlier, I am not going to even argue or defend myself against any claims by such an individual.
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Re: Brooze misbehaving on the server

Post by mousythemouse »


It appears that you are unable to mind your own business about me. Whatever I said about Crow in the discord doesn't actually constitute anything. You don't actually *know* anything about me and Crow's personal lives.
You can also stop portraying me as a victim of him. I am not a victim of anyone. I am an adult who can make her own decisions.
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Re: Brooze misbehaving on the server

Post by HeadShotUT »


Of course, You are an adult making your own decision, You just did it.
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Re: Brooze misbehaving on the server

Post by Crøw »

Well HeadShot, so you've decided to turn this thread into what seems to be a personal agenda against me....
So, you will now endure the consequences.

Let's begin with the fact that you and I have never really talked in the game, aside from perhaps some very casual exchanges, and while playing alongside you, you actually came across as a decent player.
But, it seems you've now given in to whatever influence that has affected you, and now you accuse me of various outrageous and serious crimes.

HeadShotUT wrote: Wed Feb 02, 2022 1:12 pm You have very impressive writing skills in English Crow. I hope I will not be too far from you. :)
Yes my writing skills in English are quite impressive, I have been using it for over 20 years and I live in an English speaking country after all, but it is not my first language and I am fluent in two others as well, yours is not bad at all though, but what you write using it is going to come under some serious scrutiny.

HeadShotUT wrote: Wed Feb 02, 2022 1:12 pm I will focus on it what I saw and what I heard directly from Mousy.
Mousy started play on the server some time ago. After that, You start to play on Barbie server recently as well and fined it's funny to start stalking Mousy and make her leave when You show up. We saw a lot of server dramas in main chat as well because of this situation. It was happened by few month's day by day.
I have evidence and everything is stored and secured on Datsi Discord server.
Everything is available for Barbie. Reports from other players who are our friends on Discord about You as well, with exact date and hour.
To prove that was a serious problem beside typical trolls stuff.
What exactly have you seen and heard from Mousy then, or have you seen me done... "stalking" her? how do you define as "stalking", going to play at the same time she happens to be here?

You say "making her leave"... did I make her leave, or did she decide to do that on her own?
What exact "lot of server dramas in main chat" are you referring to? Please enlighten me, as at that time I was not even talking to her.
I might have mentioned her name to others though, but not in a particularly bad light, I admit there was some light trolling going on, including my name changing to stuff like "TheMouseRemoverLord"... In fact I have done that as a joke because any time I come in and she's here, she'd leave right away.
Seems like some of you here see it as an outrageous crime and abuse!
Is that your definition of "lots of dramas"?

You say you have evidence and everything is "stored and secured" on Datsi's discord server...
Are you joking me? what exactly is stored on there, are you guys obsessed with me or something? If you have any specific accusations against me, well feel free to post them for all to see how serious those things are!

You want to play the little kid here and say "the teacher will hear about you!! waaaaahhhh!!" -by saying that "Everything is available for Barbie"?
Well, do give it to Barbie then, or as I've already said, post it up here for all to see!
Omg.. even the dates and hours... you guys sound like you really are obsessed... well that's ok, I know that my personality stands out :D
What exact "serious problem" are you referring to? Please, do tell!

Anyway, tell me this then, are you accusing me of anything in particular? if so, tell me what exactly that is, because all I read here so far is you sticking your nose where it doesn't belong and are trying to smear my name, not even knowing who you are dealing with.
My suggestion to you? Stick around talking about me with Datsi on her privileged discord server (as evidently she likes drama) and keep this stuff out of my way and the rest of the forum and game.

HeadShotUT wrote: Wed Feb 02, 2022 1:12 pm I see Mousy forgive You now and start to defend You as well, but we will remember what's happen before.
The saddest thing for me is that she cooperate with You now.
As Mousy just replied to you, I do not care about your "we will remember" whatsoever, you and the others involved shouldn't stick your nose into business that has nothing to do with you. No need to be sad either.
Let me also take this opportunity to teach you and whoever is reading here a little something straight out of Psychology:
NEVER encourage a person to be portrayed as a victim. Victimization makes a person feel weak and incapable, not being able to get over whatever they've been through. Getting over that on the other hand, helps them get stronger and move on.
Mousy is a grown up young woman who can decide for herself and defend herself just fine. Frankly as someone who knows her for years, she is more mature mentally than many other people on here.

HeadShotUT wrote: Wed Feb 02, 2022 1:12 pm Sadly, your behavior expanded to Gonzo and br00ze, and I don't like it.
Br00ze lose his rights because of Your actions, and Gonzo is publically name by You a "pedophile pervert harasser".
Did You know it's a crime in most countries just to name someone like that?
"My behavior" has expanded.... Gee.. I must really am misbehaving, are you going to call the teacher again?
You don't like it... oh damn, I've gotten you offended... must feel terrible, eh?

Br00ze lost his right because he abused them, are my accusations not legit? do reread the thread again and think about it once more. At least in this case Barbie did the right thing, for once.
But honestly he could have just been told to not do that anymore, a warning. I didn't demand that he loses his rights.

As for gonzo... yes I very much do and will publicly name him a pedophile, misogynist, promoter of prostitution, harasser and abuser. Go on and ask any female player he's been around how much they like him and enjoy his company.
These kind of people degrade society, maybe one day you will understand it.
Maybe you like him? maybe you secretly are fascinated with the stuff he does? Otherwise what kind of messed up person is going to be defending an individual like this... Do you want to give a blind eye to the stuff that I've called him out for and... defend him???

Maybe you should get it inside your head that promoting and allowing such behavior and ignoring the evidence and the signs, is in fact cooperation with a criminal, it's called "being an accomplice" or "failure to report a crime", idiot.
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