Changelog of game controller 'BarbiesWorld'

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Changelog of game controller 'BarbiesWorld'

Post by Barbie »

v4638, 2024-04-24
* reset dropped weapon's FireOffset to default
+ death-dropped weapons are spread around more
* again fixed code for correct setting for Pawn's collision size
+ collision cylinder for PulseGun, UT_FlakCannon and Ripper is only adjusted if their rotation's roll and pitch is zero
+ fixed Access Nones in UT_Jumpboots.ResetOwner()
* function BarbiesWorldSB.PreBeginPlay(): in "SRL = new(None) CScoreRecoveryListClass;" changed "None" to "self.outer" to avoid creating a transient package

v4617, 2024-02-01
+ expanded array for sorting inventory items from 32 to 64
* fixed the bug introduced in v4589 that the CollisionCylinder of big ScriptedPawns is not adjusted

v4589, 2023-12-09
* fixed the bug that the old Unreal rifle is invisible after faking death
+ damaging innocent monster gives a negative score
* dropped items are not automatically destroyed after 30 seconds any more
* fixed the bug that sometimes health items with none default HealingAmount do not give health
+ tossed inventory items land in front of player like tossed out weapons now
* fixed a bug in DJ_InventoryItem (thanks to Buggie)
* renamed "DJ_InventoryItem" to "DoubleJumpInvItem"
* inventory items that change player's display will reset it when dropped
+ Pawns "MenuName" and "NameArticle" unified
* fixed too big CollisionCylinder for some ScriptedPawns
+ Nalis can dop a SmallNaliStatue

v4496, 2023-10-21
* fixed replacement of Translocator with Invulnerability
* fixed weapon drop of SkaarjTrooper
* fixed Access Nones in SCUBAGearSB>state Activated>function Endstate()

v4491, 2023-10-20
+ CollisionSize of class'ThighPads' is changed from R30/H30 to R8/H18
+ the pickup "Adrenaline" also affects WaterSpeed now
+ Player's fatness is displayed in HUD if not default (128 = 0 %)
* fixed the bug in DiscardInventory() where time limited gift inventory items become endless available
+ expanded the transfer of inventory properties when map inventory items are replaced
* fixed a bug that returns wrong compare results of players when they have a score of 0
+ added better handling of the PickUpMessage in function SharedCode.CopyProperties_Inventory()
+ added better handling of *HealingAmount* in function SharedCode.CopyProperties_Health
* fixed the bug that the last entry at MUTATE HELP was not shown
* if a spectator spectates a player with a guiding Warshell the view target is reset to player when Warshell got destroyed or has exploded
+ added the unused characters of code page Windows-1252 as invalid characters for the player name
* fixed the bug that didn't allow descendants of class'Weapon' to exist (for example the saber)
+ added MUTATE TRAVELTO (with servers "Barbies Monsterhunt World", "Barbies Monsterhunt Tank World", "Buggies Vehicle CTF")
+ Pawns with bStatic=True are not treated any more in CheckReplacement()

v4375, 2022-11-19
* fixed a bug with the old Unreal health pack (thanks to Datsi for reporting)
+ player's number of found secrets is restored when rejoining
+ the buggy original Quadshot is replaced by a working one
* default settings of replaced stock items (ESR, bHealthPack) were overwritten by SpawnAndPasteActor()
* when a player issue a mutate command, his name instead of his variable name is written to server's log

v4338, 2022-07-04
* registering the base mutator as *MessageMutator* seemed to unregister it as *DamageMutator* - fixed

v4337, 2022-07-04
* fixed the secrets count display in the scoreboard
+ virtual team change to red is possible via "!r" or "!red"
* fixed the missing "Ping" and "Loss" entries in scoreboard
+ the scoreboard re-adjusts the display positions when screen width has changed

v4307, 2022-07-01
* fixed the display of sponsorship in scoreboard

v4305, 2022-07-01
* fixed the algorithm that force Monster and Player to death if they have health zero or below
* changed the method to find a NexgenClient
+ ScoreRecovery uses the Nexgen client ID instead of player's name
* some fixes of properties of replaced health items
- removed code for displaying player names in vehicles because that was integrated in vehicle pack
+ all invalid characters in a player name are replaced by an underscore at login
+ the mutate commands "help", "sponsorship", "ScoreRecoveryList" are available
+ the periodical checks in timer() and tick() concerning PlayerPawns are not executed when no player is on
+ the scoreboard additionally shows the sponsorship and the number of found secrets
* code cleanup for the score recovery list; it is handled now by game controller only

v4163, 2022-05-10
* fixed rank display when spectating other players
* fixed Access None in HUDSB.UpdateRankAndSpread()
* removed "Access None" warning from Translocator
* fixed multiple respawning of GraffitiToolSB
* fixed the swapped parameters for function CopyProperties_Weapon() in class KHMBase.SpawnAndPasteActor()
* fixed that spectators can be match winners
* modified the algorithm that decides if a Pawn is evil, neutral or friendly (if a pawn's AttitudeToPlayer changes, sadly it is not replicated to clients)

v4105, 2022-04-09
- removed debug logging from class'SpectatorSB'

v4103, 2022-04-07
* Nalis and Cows do not count as enemy
- MonsterhuntSB.SetAttitudeToPawns() is disabled

v4084, 2022-04-05
* the default charge of 9999999 of the UT_Stealth is set to 60
* all invisibility pickups ((classes 'Invisibility', 'UT_Invisibility', 'UT_Stealth') are replaced by 'InvisibilitySB'
* pawn's attitude to player is not shown by default; activate it by setting bShowAttitudeToPlayer=true in section [BarbiesWorld.HUDSB] in USER.INI
* Spectators can not die (happened in CloudZones)
+ added Event 'MatchStartedSB' in class'MonsterHuntSB'

v4029, 2022-03-20
* fixed the too early released and unfinished code to distinguish between friendly, hostile and indifferent pawns
+ added AttitudeToPlayer value to pawn display in HUD

v4020, 2022-03-20
* fixed the sorting bug when players have the same score
* fixed the translocator replacement bug

v4012, 2022-03-16
* switched from SBHealingGunV2 to SBHealingGunV3
+ if an item is replaced by Invulnerability, its RespawnTime is set to the default value of the Invulnerability
* default value of *bSpawnInTeamArea* is FALSE now
+ Monster and Player with health zero or below are forced to death
+ (Admin-)Spectators can use cheats (thanks to Buggie)
+ introduced LesserRocketBruteSB (child of class'LesserBrute')
* HUD, Scoreboard and EndCam use the same code for ranking
+ Invisibility available

v3942, 2021-10-21
* spectators' end cam is set
* when a player joins after game end he will see the "Game Over" message and his view is set to the end cam
+ spectator follows the viewtarget of the spectated player (Redeemer for example)

v3918, 2021-10-11
* fixed the bug that spectators can become idle

v3900, 2021-10-10
* fixed the sudden-idle bug
* fixed some errors in DangerW.Creepinator

v3852, 2021-10-05
+ armor display limit in HUD is 9999 instead of 150 now
* bugfix: all properties of an UT_ShieldBelt are copied when it is replaced
* fixed the Adrenaline pickup sound
* fixed Pass-Small-Walls-While-Idle bug
+ idle players will not be attacked by monsters
+ spectators can translocate to their viewtarget pressing alt fire and fire simultaneously (thanks to Buggie for this)
+ spectators default speed is faster
+ spectators can adjust their speed by MUTATE SPECTATORSPEED SET
+ spectators can use teleporters by the GRAB console command
+ one day of the week is scoring disabled

v3746, 2021-07-03
* the first triggered MonsterEnd deactivates all other MonsterEnd so multiple game ending should not occur
+ Queens that are not replaced by a mutator are checked for constantly teleporting and send to state "Attacking" then
* Adrenaline can only picked up if your current adrenaline charge is below 50%

v3734, 2021-06-21
* the first start of awards (health, amp, demeer, etc.) is delayed
- my fixes for Squids, NaliRabbit, Cow, BabyCow, BruteProjectile and MercRocket are not needed anymore because they were now fixed in UT v469a
* fixed the broken mesh of Adrenaline (thanks to War Master)
* the WarheadAmmo is now visible again for clients with UT v436

v3702, 2021-05-10
+ the idle mode is terminated if player uses primary or secondary fire
+ the player list shown with "mutate players show" is also written to client's log
+ "Adrenaline" as part of "BarbiesWorld" implemented
* Nalis now raise their events if they fade out (bug in stock code)
* added Buggies' MH-fix #15 concerning skins like Cow and Nali (see
* Mover's ReturnGroup is set to an unique value only if Mover's tag is equal to Mover's class name OR Mover's tag is empty
+ the name of the player who ended a game is displayed

v3665, 2021-04-21
* fixed some possible "Access None" with "GameReplicationInfo" at client side in HUDSB.uc
* the zoom of the Rifle of Unreal 1 can be interrupted by releasing secondary mouse button
+ "mutate players speed" restricted to admins
+ idle players are now displayed translucent and don't have collision

v3633, 2021-04-12
* because the Invisibility is useless in MonsterHunt, it is replaced by an Invulnerability as before
- the score recovery list don't use the NexGen ClientID but the Player's name again
* giving all players the same random weapon is the default setting now
+ the awards (health, amp, demeer, etc.) start at a random time

v3615, 2021-04-06
- removed custom "PulseGunSB" because the bug with the stopping beam after 60 sec is fixed in UT 469b
+ implemented a custom BiterFishSchoolSB and BiterFishSB to avoid log spamming when BiterFish.School is NONE
+ added a call to Level.Game.IsRelevant() after replacing a health item
* because the Invisibility does not crash the server any more, it is not replaced by Invulnerability

v3562, 2020-11-25
* fixed the bug in the "Movement" column in Score List window
+ the score recovery list now uses the NexGen ClientID instead of the Player's name

v3551, 2020-11-24
+ idle detection implemented (default 180 sec without movement)
+ in the player list the idle mode is shown in front of player name
* Awards are not given to idle players
* increased speed for spectators by 50%

v3540, 2020-10-07
* bug fix in mutate command "mutate players show"
+ for spectators' personal light FlashLightBeam.Timer() is not executed any more (to avoid "MakeNoise")

v3525, 2020-10-02
* Monsters do not attack spectators any more.
* PulseGun beam goes out after 60 seconds - fixed.
* Monsters drop one item instead of two.
+ a Krall can launch rockets now
* Krall's drop rate of weapon decreased to 20%
+ Kralls can drop ammo with a probability of 50%
+ new mutate command "mutate players show"

+ Kralls with projectile Razor2 lose the weapon Ripper on death.
+ Kralls with projectile PlasmaSphere lose the weapon Pulsegun on death.
+ Kralls with projectile DAmmo4 lose the weapon DispersionPistol on death.
+ Kralls with projectile ShockProj lose the weapon ShockRifle on death.
* CoopTranslocator replaced by Buggie's version
* Brute's fatness variation reduced from 25% to 10%
+ monster's movement acceleration is adjusted to difficulty level (+25 % atm)
* = modification/fix
+ = new feature
- = removed feature
Last edited by Barbie on Tue May 10, 2022 7:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Last bumped by Barbie on Fri Oct 20, 2023 9:34 am.
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