Today some maps dont load anymore they crash the server: DiscoClub, GiranTown2021, DIE and HellGauntlet.
We played HellGauntlet yesterday and GiranTown 1 or 2 days before now we cant.
Maybe the color balls? They crashed the server last year too. And in some maps they are very annoying because they are the height of eyes some they block view.
In AfterDark2 the 2 big skaarjs in the bridge room have very low health now. 2000 and something before they had 23000+.
In last room the titans have also less health 15000 before it was 35000 or 45000.
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Re: lower health for some Monster
The reason for that is a bit complicated; do you want an explanation?
Should be fixed now.
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Re: lower health for some Monster
I was afraid of...
The default and not changeable behaviour of every Pawn (Monster, Bots, Players, TeamCannon) is to adjust its default health to its size ("DrawScale") by the formula
Health = Health * DrawScale/Default.DrawScale
in event class'Pawn'.PreBeginPlay(). But only a few mapper know that and wonder that their big Titan has so much health. For example a 10x bigger Titan has 10x more health than the mapper has set.To avoid such my game controller lowers the health accordingly by the inverse formula before it is increased in class'Pawn'.PreBeginPlay() - now the Pawn has the health the mapper has set for it. (Additionally the health is increased for class'ScripedPawns' (=Monster) in its event PreBeginPlay() if this ScripedPawn is a "Boss" (property "bIsBoss") by formula
Health = Health + 0.15 * Skill * Health
, but we can ignore this here.)Also my game controller adjusts ScripedPawns health depending what is set for
[-1...+1] for a map in a none linear way:
This happens AFTER the above health adjustments are done.* if Scale < 0, it is decreased by square root.
* if Scale > 0, it is increased, but the less the more health is.
* if Scale = 0, it is kept.
* The minimum return value is 1.
*Scale* has to be within [-1, +1]
Another part, the "MapPatcher" can adjust setting for a specific map, and I have found out that if I change the default
there it doesn't had an effect because that setting was AFTER all above adjustments. So I changed the above adjustments in the game controller to be executed later - what means that the "correction" of Pawn's health increment must happen now AFTER Pawn's event PreBeginPlay().To even complicate that, some Pawns (Nalis, SkaarjWarriors, MiniLords, Queens) are replaced by the game controller with bug fixed ones, and all the properties (including DrawScale and Health) are copied from the original.
All these events have to be in a specific order to gain the desired effect.